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It started with a call from Jim Mudd, Jr., CEO of Mudd Advertising,

to Disney Imagineers, asking if they would help us build one of Iowa's largest studios, and they said,

"Come On Down".

Mudd Photo 10.tif

That meeting took place in 2003, and after receiving pointers from Disney on how and how not to build a studio​ we broke ground for studio5@mudd in 2005. 


We were up and running in 2007.

studio5@mudd has written, produced, designed,

and edited thousands of commercials and videos

for clients across the U-S. From automotive to

education to healthcare and more, our studio crew

creates an average of 250 - 350 productions

every month.


Today’s creative, driven by the digital age, includes thousands of videos produced for client websites, fulfilling the vision Jim Mudd, Sr. had back in the 90’s when he said everyone would one day own their own TV station.

the inside scoop

February 28, 2003

Mudd Team @ Disney Studios

The Disney Imagineers were awesome touring us all over the studio, including the ceiling floor grid they built (to hang the lights and move and re-direct the HVAC ducting) they recommended we use lifts and chain motors instead.


The Imagineers shared copies of their floor plans and what they did with equipment in their control rooms as the technology changed and advanced.


Additionally, they shared their recommendations for the electrical & data lines and planning for the future . . . which has REALLY paid off as Studio5@Mudd NOW has 10 GIG service capabilities!   


And thier great insight & ideas for set & prop storage based on their experiences.

                                      ROB MUDD



Rob Mudd

2005 - 2007

Making Of studio5@Mudd

July 2021 Marks Our 40th Year In Business!


SPECIAL THANKS To The Disney Imagineers For Our Studios Ideas & Design,


SPECIAL THANKS To The Mudd Development Construction Team & Subs,


And, SPECIAL THANKS To The Hundreds Of MUDD CAST & CREW Members That Made All This Possible!


Jim Mudd Jr

Typical Studio Day

Mudd Studio - A Typical Day

Studio5@Mudd has an outstanding team of Studio and Production Talent from script writing, to: Storyboarding, 3-D Animation, Graphics Specialists, Camera Crews, Sound Producers, 2 licensed FAA Drone Pilots (+ 2 Mudd Drones), and Editors, and not to mention a great talent pool for on camera and voice-overs then add in all the state of the art technology and 10 GIG streaming capabilities.   


Not to forget . . . the set builders and "MacGyver" type of crew . . . (a big client in Georgia with the script calling for a rain shoot in Atlanta, GA.) . . . the Studio team built their own rain machine in studio and practiced the rain with fake lightning and thunder, once satisfied then packed it all up and went on location just outside of Atlanta, GA. and re-set it all up with 2 giant cranes and with the studio drones and camera crews and did the shoot.


Additionally Studio5 has our own Mudd Signs company on campus able to create giant studio back drops and and sets.

                                         Mike Carlo 


Mike Carlo

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